Traveling Through Life

Life is filled with tests, uncertainties and overwhelming circumstances that can sometimes make us feel lost. But we possess an incredible capacity to hold our center mentally and physically in the midst of these stormy waters.

When intense emotions come up or life throws curveballs our way, it’s important to recognize where we are and remember to pause — rather than go into reflexive reaction mode. This awareness will help us stay grounded, allowing us to continue on without losing sight of our goals or sense of self.

The practice of calming and centering ourselves can look different for everyone. For some people it means going for a run, talking with a friend, listening to music, or simply taking space for yourself to rationally reason on the situation when the pressure builds up too much. Other times it could mean engaging in activities such as yoga, tai chi or meditating as a way to strengthen your ability to remain calm and balanced during turbulent moments in life.

It takes patience, dedication and courage to become aware and develop new skills during difficult times — but being intentional about confronting challenges head-on is often worthwhile when done with care. The path may not be easy — but learning how to stay centered mentally and physically can teach us invaluable lessons about self-love along the way.

When life tests us in ways we never expected, it can be easy to forget the power of faith, patience, duty and sympathy. Yet these are some of the most powerful tools we have available to help us see our way through challenging times.

Faith is something that helps us when our anxieties run high or when things seem bleak. By having faith in something greater than ourselves, we become empowered to keep going even when things seem impossible or filled with despair. Patience also comes into play here — allowing ourselves time to really process our emotions without judgement and come out on the other side with a sense of clarity and renewed intention can be incredibly helpful during difficult times.

Finding a sense of purpose is also key for cultivating strength — engaging in meaningful tasks such as helping those in need can bring us joy and remind us that despite uncertainty, there is still light and hope surrounding us at all times. Sympathy connects us to others — understanding what they’re going through may give you an added level of strength that helps get you through your own struggles too.

Life is constantly calling on us to be present, no matter the circumstance. Our duty is to do just that — show up and face whatever comes our way without allowing ourselves to become too disturbed. It may not always be easy, but focusing on what we can do today as opposed to getting caught up in worrying about what might happen tomorrow is a powerful tool for staying present with life.

Being mindful of our own limitations and boundaries will also help us go further in life without needing to burn out. Striking a balance between self-care and responding to the needs of others is crucial for keeping our head above water during challenging times. In tradition, holding onto a sense of duty and servitude through difficult times can bring us closer to the divine presence surrounding us at all times.

Though life will continue to throw unpredictabilities at us, having faith, patience, duty and sympathy as part of our toolkit will help keep us grounded so we can make it through even the toughest times with grace on our side.


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