Do I Belong Here?

I'm often taken on a journey through my own brain - creating wild, whimsical worlds and stories along the way. I can easily become convinced about things that sometimes don't quite fit; maybe it's passing judgement or believing false truths? These judgments have caused chaos in my life more times than not, so now when this happens I take a step back to unravel what lies beneath the surface. Like for example: do I really belong here? To get below all of these layers of self-doubt and discovery, one tool that helps me is breaking up 'me' into individual parts until each has been explored fully!

Here is a general diagram of the parts which make me up:

This diagram depicts how I break myself up into my component parts over and over until eventually I am just energy, or god or nature (add any label to that something you want).

I'm an ever-evolving ball of energy, but when I stop to think about it, some things get a bit fuzzy. Where are my borders? How am I connected with other forms of matter in the universe? It's kind of like looking at your reflection – you can see yourself as part of something much bigger and more powerful than just one person. From this view, we're all pieces that form together into something so incredibly beautiful!

As I consider the mysterious unknown, my mind wanders to ponder whether this phenomenon is only exclusive to our planet. But of course, logic requires that I break it down and analyze each detail with care - let's take a closer look!

Things get wild, and I realized that me being part of the energy was akin to an ocean where you can no longer distinguish between it and its shoreline. It's like a cosmic explosion of belonging - instead if trying to figure out what belongs or not, everything does!

We all have days when we forget the truth and just need a little reminder. But it's okay - no matter how many times, nothing can ever beat that feeling of coming home to yourself and being embraced with acceptance!


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